Cupfeed brings you a new reading experience on iPhone, iPad and Mac
Manage all your news
Add your RSS feeds via the built-in search or directly by entering the URL. Manage your feeds by
renaming them or adding them to folders.
Cupfeed gives you the power to build your newspaper.
Even YouTube channels can be added!

Beautiful layout
Cupfeed adapts to your screens and is optimized for iPad and iPhone.
Customize your display,
from the different themes available. Cupfeed automatically retrieves images from items for an
and visual presentation.

Reader fully featured and customizable
Modern layout
Modern display allowing to choose between magazine, list, or grid views. Choose the elements to display: the number of lines, the size of the images, only the text...
The integrated quick search allows you to quickly find articles that include your keywords
Share the articles with your friends, by email, by message, by applications...
Choose from the available dark and light themes or let the application automatically adapt to your device theme .
Get Cupfeed

Cupfeed is available for free download on iOS (iPhone/iPad).
Available languages : English / French